A bit of fun for a Wednesday in isolation! Hope you're all keeping well.
1.Tell us a random fact about you that we wouldn’t be able to guess! --- I got a ‘B' in my Maths GCSE!
2. Matthew Passion or Messiah? --- Matthew Passion
3. What’s your star sign and do you fit the description? --- Capricorn. According to Cosmopolitan.com, Capricorns are realistic, sensitive, practical, disciplined and they are into money, puzzles, DIY and instant gratification. I would say that may of these I can relate to, except I don’t think I’m that disciplined, and if I were into money then I wouldn’t be a musician!
4. Where in the world would you still like to visit and why? ---- I would love to go on a safari, because seeing animals like lions and elephants in their natural habitat wold be amazing!
5. Which 3 people from past or present would be at your fantasy dinner party? ---- Dracula, Shakespeare and Welly Appleyard. (Penny's cat)
6. If you could be a different voice type for a day, what would you be and what would you sing? ----- I would be a contra-bass, and enjoy those low frequencies!
7. Which Hogwarts house are you in? --- Gryffindor!
8. List your top 3 composers! --- Bach, Handel, Rameau
9. Share one of your favourite memories from being in Fair Oriana so far. ---- When a new programme comes together, and all the hard work pays off ❤
10. If you could spend a day in any time period, Which would it be and why? ---- I would like to go back and see the dinosaurs, hopefully I could sneak a little one back with me and it could be the Fair Oriana mascot (sorry Welly).
11. Who are your major musical influences? Emma Kirkby, Belinda Sykes (Joglaresa), John Elliot Gardiner
12. Favourite thing to do in your spare time? --- I like to arrange folk songs on the harp, walk dogs and play Zelda!
13. Best thing about being a professional singer? ---- Every week is different, music is always evolving and times are always changing, and so the emotional response to music is always growing, too.
14. Worst thing about being a professional singer? ---- Cold quiche on tour!
15. What book are you reading? ---- Wakenhyrst by Michelle Paver
16. Do you collect anything? ----- Fridge magnets from where I have travelled, and hilariously unsuccessful photos of me and Penny singing.
17. 3 words you associate with Penny! ---- Kind, tenacious, talented
18. If you weren’t a singer what would you like to do? --- I would like to either be a landscape gardener, or an architect. My ‘B’ in Maths would prove so useful...
19. Most embarrassing on stage moment? ----- When I went wrong in a piece of Purcell, 3 times. The music ground to a halt - 3 times. They audience were so supportive that they clapped for an encore which was supposed to be the same song. Thankfully, I made it through the last time...
20. Message to Fair Oriana followers… ----- Thank you for all of your continued support and encouragement! and… wash your hands!
