It’s been a long but really fun and productive week, recording gorgeous pieces for our debut album 'Two Voices' which will be released with VOCES8 Records. We plan to release it in four EPs available to download digitally, followed by the complete album on physical disc. Look out for the first installment later this year!
We recorded in the lovely acoustic of the VOCES8 Centre near St Paul's Cathedral in London and got to work with some of our wonderful friends and colleagues:
Sam Brown (Lute)
Jonatan Bougt (Theorbo)
Harry Buckoke (Viols)
Alison Kinder (Viol and Recorder)
Tom Gamble (Guitar)
Zands Duggan (Percussion)
We had a very varied week, recording everything from folk to baroque, with lute songs and contemporary madrigals in between! We recorded no fewer than 3 brand new commissions, by composers Fraser Wilson and Owain Park. These included a new setting of 'Now is the Month of Maying' and folk song 'Come live with me' (which features Penny on the flute, for something a little different!) Owain's piece is entitled 'Midnight Poem' and creates an ethereal, silvery soundscape accompanied by baroque instruments. We're delighted to be featuring these talented composers on our disc.
We can't wait to share the results with you!
P and A x
PS Importantly we worked out that all the different instruments involved in this project total a magnificent 75 strings!
